Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Respect for an Inherent Dignity

At a Lutheran Book Club discussion of "Journey With Jeff," one of the members experienced an "aHa Moment." She wrote, "Your book has made me more accepting of everyone just as God made them!" A new respect for the inborn dignity of all God's children was born! What an accomplishment, AND what a blessing this will be for everyone! She also said she "liked my format and found it easy to read -- each chapter a lesson in itself." She thanked me for putting my feelings "out there where hopefully we can all learn from them."~~~The presiding pastor added, "The discussion went really well. We talked about the style of writing, which we appreciated, especially the letters to God. We could picture Jeff, his struggles, the seizures and surprises, and talked at length about the time period that Jeff was alive. It was a great conversation that flowed well, and I encouraged everyone to send you an e-mail, or a letter, or to friend you on Face Book."~~~YES!~~~What a joy to know that eight Lutheran Book Club members joined together to read and discuss the story of our joys and challenges, and how God has blessed us and so many people through Jeff!

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