Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Remember Lance from the Lifetime Assistance Inc. staff whom Jeff nicknamed "Big Bird"? Jeff loved to do things with and for Lance, and was delighted one summer day to help him by washing his car. (Read this story on on Resources,
and scroll down to "Journey With Jeff.") This is my totally favorite story in the entire book, and whenever I am asked to be a speaker, I always share this one. It draws a ton of laughter!!~~~Today, I met Lance in the wintery LAI parking lot, and he offered his arm to walk me to my car. Royalty! I felt like Royalty! "About 450 copies of "Journey With Jeff" have been sold or gifted so far," I informed him. "I'm so honored to be in that book!" Lance said. "So many people have come up to me and asked if I was Big Bird. One person asked me to sign 'Big Bird' in their copy!"~~~I love it when I meet Lance somewhere-- it doesn't happen often. I remember the friendship he and Jeff had and I'm warmed all over again! (Photo is of Jeff at his residence where he washed "Big Bird's Car.")

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