Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Amazing Events!

Jeff loved going to the Special Olympics events, and came home with ribbons each time. (See Photo.) When it
began, in the early 70's, everyone who participated received a ribbon, even if it was simply for taking part. Now, there are events all around the state, weekend after weekend. Amazing!! ~~~ Did you watch the 2008 Paralympics in Bejing on TV this past weekend? When the Olympics torch is lit I always cheer - and cry - at the same time. At the Paralympics a man in a wheelchair pulled himself up, hand over hand, finally to arrive at the ceiling of the Olympic "Bird's Nest" to light the torch! Whooooeeee! Amazing! One day this summer, my new friend, Randy, invited me into his house to see all his Special Olympic awards. On a long bulletin board in his bedroom there hung so many I lost count! My greatest disappointment was calling to volunteer to help at the Spring Event, and being told they already had enough volunteers. But I will keep on trying. It's great fun to be a "hugger" when the athlete completes his or her turn!! Amazing rewards - for all involved!!
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