Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Journey With Jeff" Showcased at Barnes & Noble

"Did you write this book about caregivers?" another author at our Barnes & Noble Author Showcase asked me as we were packing up to go home. "Yes, Jeff lived with Down Syndrome for 27 years," I replied. "He was our son." Handing me the beautiful display print of his poem, "Snowflake," written in caligraphy, he said, "Then this is for you." The poem was poignant, and reminded me of Emily Peri Kingsley's metaphor of a journey titled, "Welcome To Holland," (Pp. 17-18 in Journey With Jeff.) I share here, C. W. Matthews' gift of "Snowflake" for me:~~~"I watched in silent awe, as it fell towards the earth....Dancing to and fro, in a silent sort of mirth. It's singular crystalline shape, was the only one of its kind....To fall earthward from the sky, since the origin of time. As the crystal began to melt, and slowly disappeared from sight....I came to understand the gift, He gave me on that crisp snowy night. You that little snowflake....I am truly one of a kind....Singularly body, soul and mind."~~~Yes, Jeff was one of a kind. Singularly unique. God's gift to us, and, to the world! Praise God!
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Service Dog Caregivers

Jeff began having seizures when he was 14 years old. If Seizure Alert Service Dogs had been trained back in the 70's, perhaps Jeff would have had one, and not needed a helmet to protect him from falls when he seized.~~~It amazes me how many ways now, in this century, dogs can be trained to help!! There are dogs for autistic children. There were none when I was working with an autistic student in the 90's. "Google" alerted me to a story of a Bouvier dog which helps relieve an Illinois autistic 5 year-old boy's fear and anxiety, his tantrums and incessant handflapping, and helps him get back into focus to do what he should be doing. He spoke his first words, commanding his dog to "wait," and "hold." A wonderful miracle for that family!~~~A young teenager in our congregation who has struggled with food allergies all his life, able to eat hardly anything, is now working toward getting an Allergy Alert Service Dog which will sniff out allergies in napkin-covered food. The $7000 puppy is in Colorado, and his new owner needs traveling funds and training funds to cover a period of two years. Our communities are helping raise those funds.~~~Blind and deaf people and others with special needs can have dogs to help them be more independent in our world. There is more and more to be thankful for! (Photo is of the young Author with her dog, Fluffy, not a service dog caregiver.)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Different Point of View

My friend, Bobbie, surprised me by saying "Journey With Jeff"had changed her life! She and I belonged to a Writer's Group where I read an excerpt from this book for them to critique a while ago. Bobbie said, "You made me see a different point of view. Usually I avoid people with special needs so I don't look as if I am pitying them." She continued, "Driving through town recently, I saw a person leaning on arm crutches crossing the street -- very, very slowly. It made me wonder what it must be like when crossing a street requires every bit of one's energy." Was Bobbie putting herself in that person's shoes, and sensing her determination, courage, and perseverance, rather than looking the other way?!? It makes me very happy to make a difference in someone's life!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Big Bird's" Music

Each time I run into Lance, an LAI caregiver, alias "Big Bird," it is a wonderful surprise, and Lance seems to think so, too. When I took my 87 year-old friend, Dorothea, for a doctor's appointment, Lance also was there. Dorothea had been saying how she found something new in Journey With Jeff each time she read it. She was delighted to meet "Big Bird" (his story, "Big Bird's Car," is on pp.259 -261,)who continued with other stories about how he and Jeff had bonded over their love of music. He remembered having MTV on in the morning at Jeff's residence, when Jeff always had to say goodbye to each of the instruments before he left. "Goodbye, Trumpet. Goodbye, Drums. Goodbye, Sax."~~~ We talked about the fun at the LAI parties celebrating their 5th and 10th Anniversaries. Jeff's best friend, Foch, loved to take the mike and try to remember the words to the songs the band played. Jeff danced up a storm, then was eager to have his turn with the drums during intermission. I love the stories -- the memories -- I hear when Lance and I meet.~~~ (Photo is of the Christmas gift Jeff's sister, Jennifer made for him.)
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Journey With Jeff; Inspiration for Caregivers of People with Special Needs: Special Needs Children

Journey With Jeff; Inspiration for Caregivers of People with Special Needs: Special Needs Children

Special Needs Children

Karen, the child between Jeff and his friend, Robbie in the photo, was born prematurely and spent several weeks in a hospital incubator. Karen and Jeff spent their first few years together. Her story is in Journey With Jeff. Today she works in a Nursing Home as a C.N.A. and we keep in touch by notes, and by Face Book. Karen writes: "Yes I did read Jeffery's story, and I remembered the fact that God made great people like Jeffery. I still remember when we played together. Do you remember when you ran over a snake when we all were going to visit your mother and father? I will always miss Jeffery as well as you and Uncle Bob. Love, Karen Marie." Her mother, a close friend of mine, was a big influence in my life. Her advice is also included in Journey With Jeff. Karen said a number of people had asked where they could buy a copy of the book so I told her they could order it from, or from me at my e-mail address: Who do you know that could use a copy of Journey With Jeff; Inspiration for Caregivers of People with Special Needs"? Order it today for someone who needs to know they are not alone in their caregiving.
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Inspiration and Encouragement

Jeff loved Camp Joy! He loved Joan Van de Wall, Camp Joy Director! Joan was there at the end of Jeff's earthly life, when he told her he was ready to go to see Jesus. For a while I couldn't go back to Camp Joy, but I wrote about it in the script of "Journey With Jeff," first produced in a 5-CD package. When Joan listened to these she wrote, "Your tape is an absolute spiritual piece of hard and struggling work! It is an inspiration to all who listen. I can feel your hurts, struggles and at times discouragement. I could also feel Jeff's emotions, which brought back many memories. I could feel Bob's struggles, too, and his faith. Yes, Jennifer, too --her patience at times and her love for her family, and Jeff. This work of Discipleship is great for anybody who is struggling with their problems -- the same 'God, hear my cry;' and 'God, help me to listen and trust;' and 'God, I love you, help my unbelief!' Jeff's faith just shines through like the light in a dark room. He sure is a precious gift to all he encountered."~~~Joan bought a couple dozen copies of "Journey With Jeff" to give away to her Camp Joy staff. Memories were stirred. People became aware of what parents of people with special needs go through. Some said it was amazing what Jeff could do, and what he could understand. Camp Joy's staff is incredible, too. They have been loving caregivers for more than 25 years! I can hear Jeff's affirming, "Yeah, Mom!!" now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Family Support

To my brother, "retarded" means that a soul has come to this earth to rest and to teach. Jeffrey surely was our teacher! A number of our family have responded with careers of working with people with special needs. Friends, too! I am more than thankful!~~~ I wasn't very thankful when my brother, John spoke to me early on that Jeff was not responding as a "normal" child. He says my hackels shot up! It took me a whole two years to hear that message, then to ask, "Where do we go from here?" When Jeff was 5 or 6, John remembers Jeff visiting his home. He had a German Shepherd, "Horse," that Jeff was thrilled to hug and chase. He says, "After about an hour of running, Horse decided it was time to rest, and he put his shoulder against Jeff, and pinned him to the wall. After the commotion this created (Jeff screaming) the two of them went into the bedroom and laid down together for a rest. Even Horse knew that 'Special' did not mean anything other than to learn to communicate differently." John remembers only a handful of meetings with Jeff, always with a house full of people, where John recalls Jeff always fit in. Since my brother and I have not been on the same road traveled, these memories of his are pure gold. Thank you, John!
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