Friday, August 7, 2009

Inspiration and Encouragement

Jeff loved Camp Joy! He loved Joan Van de Wall, Camp Joy Director! Joan was there at the end of Jeff's earthly life, when he told her he was ready to go to see Jesus. For a while I couldn't go back to Camp Joy, but I wrote about it in the script of "Journey With Jeff," first produced in a 5-CD package. When Joan listened to these she wrote, "Your tape is an absolute spiritual piece of hard and struggling work! It is an inspiration to all who listen. I can feel your hurts, struggles and at times discouragement. I could also feel Jeff's emotions, which brought back many memories. I could feel Bob's struggles, too, and his faith. Yes, Jennifer, too --her patience at times and her love for her family, and Jeff. This work of Discipleship is great for anybody who is struggling with their problems -- the same 'God, hear my cry;' and 'God, help me to listen and trust;' and 'God, I love you, help my unbelief!' Jeff's faith just shines through like the light in a dark room. He sure is a precious gift to all he encountered."~~~Joan bought a couple dozen copies of "Journey With Jeff" to give away to her Camp Joy staff. Memories were stirred. People became aware of what parents of people with special needs go through. Some said it was amazing what Jeff could do, and what he could understand. Camp Joy's staff is incredible, too. They have been loving caregivers for more than 25 years! I can hear Jeff's affirming, "Yeah, Mom!!" now.

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