Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to My Readers!!

One day I visited our Brockport Library to check out the number of times their copy of "Journey With Jeff" had been borrowed, and found 8 due dates listed! Yay!!!! Maybe someday soon I shall be able to check out the six other town libraries where "Journey" lives?~~~The day before Christmas I received an e-mail from a mother who wrote: " I recently borrowed your book from the library, and I have started reading it. I am finding it fascinating and very uplifting, and I can relate because years ago we found out our daughter was profoundly deaf. As I read your book, I keep thinking of other people I would like to recommend it to. I tried to purchase it today at Borders but they said it was out of print. Is there a way to still order it?" Immediately, and with great joy I e-mailed her back: "If you live in Brockport you can buy "Journey With Jeff" at Liftbridge Book Store, or Salvation Station. If you live in Greece, you can order it from Barnes & Noble. You can also order it from, or, I can send you a copy. The cost in the stores, and at is $17.95. Covering shipping and handling, I can send an autographed copy to you for $20.00~~Whatever's best for you and for the other people to whom you'd like to recommend it." And of course, I invited her to take a look at my blog at this website. (Photo is the author with the CD of "Journey With Jeff,"which entered the Brockport Library about a year before the book edition.)

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