Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jeff's "I love you!"

Joy! Pure joy! That is what I sensed in Michelle as she told me about her youngest child. After she had miscarried four babies, and was pregnant once more, tests showed that there was a possibility of the baby having Down Syndrome. "Do you want to abort?" the doctor asked her. "No! No way!" she said, "I've waited a long time for this baby!" She carried her son full term, and when he was born, he was fine. He is four years old today, and being a very "normal" child. "What if I had aborted?" she reflected. "This beautiful son of mine would never have been born!"~~~I read that 90% of pregnancies which predict a child with Down Syndrome are aborted! 90%! Many families who want to adopt a child with special needs find there are not many available. Please spread the word that if a mother-to-be cannot handle the possibility of a baby with difficulties, she should deliver this precious child, and offer it for adoption! So many people will be blessed!

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