Saturday, May 16, 2009

Special Needs Children Responding to Special Needs Children

Gathering up our things after my presentation in the Passavant Retirement Community auditorium, an older man with special needs came through the door.
"What are you doing?" he asked. My brother-in-law, Dutch gave him a flyer from one of the seats and explained that we had just heard about this young man called Jeff. Dutch showed him the six posters of Jeff's life hanging at the front of the room, and the man seemed excited to match the photo in his hand with the ones on the posters. "I'm John," he said, and pointed enthusiastically to Jeff then to himself, back and forth, back and forth, until I understood that he wanted me to introduce them. So I said, "John, this is Jeff. Jeff, this is John." He grinned a wide, "Hello!" Then he thanked me. Thus, Jeff has made another friend!

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